Vol. 5 No. 5 (2022): Special Edition: I International Congress on Science and Mathematics Education – II Symposium of the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at PUCRS

					View Vol. 5 No. 5 (2022): Special Edition: I International Congress on Science and Mathematics Education – II Symposium of the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at PUCRS

The Insignare Scientia Journal (RIS) is a collective action resulting from the work carried out at the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), Campus Cerro Largo - RS, in the area of Natural Sciences, linked to the Study and Research Group in Science and Mathematics Teaching (GEPECIEM) and the Postgraduate Program in Science Teaching (PPGEC).
This special edition of RIS is composed of 26 theoretical and empirical articles which were shared at the 1st International Congress of Education in Science and Mathematics that took place at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS in September 2022. The event was proposed by the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education – EDUCEM/PUCRS.
The articles selected for this publication encompass discussions and reflections on teacher training, teaching, learning, and research in Science and Mathematics Education from current themes that permeate Basic Education and Higher Education at national and international levels.
We thank and congratulate the authors and researchers for the articles, as well as the reviewers who collaborated to further qualify the writing of the texts.
The invitation to read remains!
Danusa de Lara Bonotto
Editor of RIS

Published: 23-12-2022
