Current Issue

Vol 7 No 2 (2024): Revista Insignare Scientia

May/Aug. 2024

The Insignare Scientia Journal (RIS) is a collective action resulting from the work carried out at the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), Campus Cerro Largo - RS, in the area of Natural Sciences, linked to the Study and Research Group in Science and Mathematics Teaching (GEPECIEM) and the Postgraduate Program in Science Teaching (PPGEC).

We are delighted to receive many submissions in a continuous flow. Furthermore, we have indexing processes in different databases. These registrations provide dissemination in national and international directories, thus expanding the dissemination and visibility of the research published worldwide.
In this volume, we take the opportunity to publish 16 academic papers distributed across the different sections of RIS, including research results, experiences, and didactic propositions as a way to project a scenario of science education that can think, be critical, and at the same time reconstructive and transformative.

We take this opportunity to thank the reviewers who donated their time to build new knowledge and the researchers who submitted papers because ideas are the starting point for scientific development.

May we have a long life for RIS.

We wish everyone a good read!

Prof. Dr. Rosangela Inês Matos Uhmann - Editor of RIS

Published: 27-08-2024
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