Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Special Edition: Supervised Internship and Teaching Practice in Science

This special edition of RIS presents the Dossier "Supervised Internship and Teaching Practice in Science", which brings articles that discuss/problematic issues of Science Teaching from different theoretical-methodological perspectives, representing the various possibilities of investigating pedagogical practice in different teaching modalities.
The Dossier is composed of twenty-seven articles that contemplate supervised internship, curriculum, among others, developed by researchers from different regions of Brazil, making evident in the research the search for the improvement of pedagogical didactic practices, as well as the investigation of the teaching practice itself in order to achieve pedagogical praxis. These are researches that go through the processes of teaching, learning, conceptual meaning, teaching knowledge, and professional development.
We thank the organizers of this Dossier for providing this publication with such a wealth of contexts and investigations.
A good read!
Dr. Rosangela Inês Matos Uhmann - General Coordinator of RIS