Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Special Edition: XVI Meeting on Research in School: in defense of school, science, and democracy

					View Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Special Edition: XVI Meeting on Research in School: in defense of school, science, and democracy

In the special edition: "XVI Meeting on Research in School: in defense of school, science, and democracy" feature experience reports that are the results of a research process in, for, and about practice. The reports consist of works that were socialized and discussed in the sharing of practices that is characteristic of the Meeting on Research in the School.

The themes point to real teaching contexts that, through the process of writing, socialization, and reflection, constitute themselves as experience. All this path taken by the investigation allows new perspectives and understandings about being and doing teaching.  

Therefore, we invite everyone to read, as we believe that it enables, based on the reported experiences, the mirroring of practices and, with that, new teaching possibilities. We already thank and congratulate the teachers who have embarked on this movement of writing and research about their practice and, to the Meeting on Research in the School for the opportunity.  

Prof. Dr. Judite Scherer Wenzel
Section Editor of RIS

Published: 26-02-2021


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