Vol. 3 No. 3 (2020): Special Edition: Research as a pedagogical principle

					View Vol. 3 No. 3 (2020): Special Edition: Research as a pedagogical principle

The special edition "Research as a pedagogical principle" brings together articles supported by multiple theoretical-methodological possibilities, for example, from research conducted by various Brazilian researchers. We emphasize that the articles indicate the need to believe in the cultural potential of writing, reading, and dialogue, given the publicity due to the important relationship between theory and practice in contemporary times.

The 14 articles in this edition are the result of reflections on the education system through research as a pedagogical principle, something of fundamental importance for our time, given the publication of each scientific production built with intensity by the authors. This means that the research follows the principle of social practice respective to the process of teaching and learning knowledge constructed in a meaningful way.

Therefore, the principle of research in constant learning is relevant, considering that it is a reflective and creative practice and not one of knowledge reproduction. We close with a thank you to those who made this publication possible and with a special invitation to read the articles in this edition.

Prof. Dr. Rosangela Ines Matos Uhmann
Editor of RIS

Published: 13-11-2020
