Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): Special Edition: "Ekos do Sul: Research and Reports on Biology Education"

In the special edition "Ekos do Sul: Research and Reports on Biology Education," studies are gathered that are supported by multiple socio-theoretical and methodological possibilities, for instance, research conducted by various researchers from Brazil. We emphasize that these studies contribute to building and re-signifying cultural practices in a society that aims to be welcoming and recognizing of the basic and cultural rights of its citizens. Therefore, the 13 papers in this edition result from reflections on the cultural education system, which is of fundamental importance in our time, given the intensity with which each scientific production was developed by the authors. We also express our gratitude to those who made this publication possible and extend a special invitation to read the studies in this edition.
Prof. Dr. Rosangela Inês Matos Uhmann
Editor of RIS