Vol. 6 No. 4 (2023): Insignare Scientia Journal

May/Aug. 2023
The Insignare Scientia Journal (RIS) is a collective action resulting from the work conducted at the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), Campus Cerro Largo - RS, in the field of Natural Sciences. It is linked to the Group of Studies and Research in Science and Mathematics Education (GEPECIEM) and the Postgraduate Program in Science Education (PPGEC). This publication is organized as Vol. 6, No. 4 (covering May-August), meaning that publications are quarterly.
We are pleased to present significant works for Science Education. It is worth visiting! It is important to highlight that we have indexing processes in various databases, including the CAPES Journal Portal. These listings ensure dissemination in national and international directories, enhancing the visibility and reach of the articles, reports, proposals, and other content published globally. Additionally, we have a counter on the journal's page that is already showing positive results! In this volume, we are publishing academic works distributed across the different sections of RIS, aiming to project a scenario of Science Education so that we can think, reflect, engage critically, and simultaneously be reconstructive and transformative.
We take this opportunity to thank the reviewers who dedicate their time to fostering new learning, as well as the researchers who submitted their work for the advancement of science.
May RIS have a long life; it is currently ranked Qualis A4.
We wish you a good read!
Prof. Dr. Rosangela Inês Matos Uhmann
Editor of RIS