Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Insignare Scientia Journal

Jan./Apr. 2018
The Insignare Scientia Journal (RIS) is the result of a process of investigation, training, and action by a teaching collective from the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS, Campus Cerro Largo - RS in the area of Natural Sciences and their Technologies, linked to the Study and Research Group in Science and Mathematics Teaching - GEPECIEM, to the Extension Program Formative Cycles in Science and Mathematics Teaching, and to the Postgraduate Program in Science Teaching - PPGEC. The first volumes are compositions demonstrating the effort of areas that participate in the scope of this journal with different themes and propositions allocated in the different sections of the magazine.
Our joy is celebrating the launch of the first volume, as we are in a festive mood. We are even aware of the great challenges of the future, among them engaging in dialogue with basic education teachers, striving to develop a scope that becomes a reference in research, expanding the international insertion of productions and researchers, and especially maintaining and expanding the collaboration network with researchers in our field.
We know the importance of evaluating writing and publishing qualified productions, and we are committed to this. With this commitment, we invite everyone to the formative dialogue.
We especially thank the researchers who submitted papers in this initial endeavor, as ideas do not take shape without accreditation.
Prof. Dr. Roque Ismael da Costa Güllich - Editor of RIS
We wish everyone a good reading.