Possible contributions of the film “Three Idiots” to teacher training
teaching and learning, movie theater, pedagogical knowledge and know-howAbstract
In the present work, we aim to discuss possible contributions of some scenes from the Indian film “Three Idiots”, as a didactic-pedagogical and methodological resource for the process of initial and continuing teacher education. To this end, we familiarized ourselves with the film and, later, through Discursive Textual Analysis, analyzed scenes that presented different conceptions of teaching and learning, defined as a priori categories, composing the metatext discussions. Thus, considering that the film criticizes rigid/traditional teaching, we carried out the content analysis of the scenes with a theoretical foundation directed to the behavioral approach and the historical-cultural perspective. With the present study, we evidenced that the aforementioned film can be used as a didactic-pedagogical and methodological resource for initial and continued teacher training, because through the reflective bias and with the theoretical foundation that supports the discussions of the scenes, this material can provide significant contributions to action pedagogy, as well as guidelines and knowledge about the teacher's role in the teaching and learning process.