Mapping of Brazilian researches on the curricula of Physics and teacher’s initial formation
Initial training, Curriculum, Degree in Physics, Bibliographic researchAbstract
The article presents a mapping of the Theses and dissertations produced in Brazil in the field of curricular proposals of undergraduate degrees in Physics, about the way they have been worked in the initial training of undergraduates. It is analyzed how academic papers appear and how the authors have addressed this theme, which aspects do not appear in the papers and that may be important for the research, their methodologies and the methods of analysis most used for data treatment. Also, it is presented the results achieved after the analysis of the articles that compose the corpus of the research. The source used was the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. 37 articles were analyzed. The results indicate that, despite the quantity of resulting research, no data were found that relate directly to the pedagogical aspects present in the Physics curriculum.