Modos de Pensar e Formas de Falar de Jogadores sobre os Conceitos de Energia, Substância e Vida em Videogames
Perfil conceitual, videogames, ensino de Ciências.Abstract
The present work aims to analyze the emergence of the zones of conceptual profiles of Energy, Substance and Life in images and videos of classic videogames, which were presented to two gamers, a Chemistry student and a university professor in the field of Chemistry Teaching, from different institutions. Based on a semi-structured interview with the participants, we sought to analyze the emergence of modes of thinking about such concepts, based on their ways of speaking, when placed in specific situations in games, based on images and videos. In the analyses, we tried to associate the modes of speaking with the ways of thinking that are characteristic of the zones of each one of the considered conceptual profiles. We perceive the emergence of various zones of the profiles, associated with each of the contexts presented in game situations, taking into account the pragmatic value of each way of thinking. Still, we consider the proposal as a possibility to broaden the understanding of fundamental concepts in Science, in situations outside the classroom, broadening the directions for the research program in conceptual profiles.
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