Os Livros didáticos e a História da participação das mulheres no Movimento Estudantil
https://doi.org/10.36661/2238-9717.2017n29.7618Palabras clave:
History textbook, Student movement, História das mulheresResumen
In this article we seek to perceive and analyze the way in which the textbooks of history narrate, through texts and images, the female participation in the Brazilian student movement between 1964 and 1968. With this objective, we analyzed eleven textbooks of History distributed for public schools through by the National High School Textbook Program, PNLEM / 2008. In addition, we will present a survey of books and scholarly works that address the participation of women in the struggles of the student movement. We have noticed that the number of studies that address the history of female participation in the student movement has increased. In these, the use of the category of historical analysis and oral history as research methodology predominates. Despite this, there are still few references in the textbooks on female participation in the student movement.