School form and history teaching manuals
Manuals of Teaching History, School form, Teacher trainingAbstract
This article discusses the links between the school form and the Teaching of History manuals for teachers in Brazil. This study of the discussion indicated by Vincent, Lahire and Thin (2001) on the relationship between the school form and manuals or "treated". Thus, we sought to identify the relationship between the establishment of the discipline of History and history didactics manuals in Brazil. From this initial discussion analyzed the state of the art research on Teaching manuals of history in Brazil allowing 8 some inferences: 1) there is an intrinsic relationship between the school form and textbooks; 2) Teaching manuals of history relate intrinsically to the constitution of history of discipline in Brazil; 4) the history didactics manuals respond to one type of teacher education in Brazil.
KEYWORDS: Manuals of Teaching History. School form. Teacher training.