Investigative Experimentation in the Internship: the limit situations overcome by licensees in Chemistry at UFMS


  • Daniele Correia Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul-UFMS
  • Higor Ribeiro Borher Colégio Classe A
  • Vanessa Teixeira Pereira Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul-UFMS
  • Nudson Souza Santos Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul-UFMS



investigative experimentation, teaching chemistry, university graduate, phase


This research presents the results of an intervention with investigative experimentation developed in the compulsory internship discipline I, of the UFMS Chemistry Degree course. We aimed to provide future chemistry teachers with the chance of experiencing, developing, and implementing investigative experimental activities in the context of the internship. We worked with a qualitative approach and different data collection instruments. The data were analyzed from the limit situations proposed by Paulo Freire and theoretical references ​​chemistry. The analysis of the results allows us to infer that  the undergraduates were initially unaware of what an investigative experimental activity is and how it is elaborated, and were insecure and reluctant in developing the experimental investigative scripts, especially when creating problem situations. Such difficulties were overcome as the undergraduates participated in experimental practices of different levels of investigation throughout the intervention in the internship discipline and were challenged to elaborate and implement investigative activities of level 1 in the classroom. Finally, we understand that investigative activities should be encouraged and valued in the context of early training and students should be prepared concerning real teaching conditions.


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How to Cite

CORREIA, Daniele; RIBEIRO BORHER, Higor; TEIXEIRA PEREIRA, Vanessa; SOUZA SANTOS, Nudson. Investigative Experimentation in the Internship: the limit situations overcome by licensees in Chemistry at UFMS. Revista Insignare Scientia - RIS, Brasil, v. 6, n. 2, p. 424–442, 2023. DOI: 10.36661/2595-4520.2023v6n2.13593. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.