Contributions of children's literature to the process of Scientific Literacy in the Early Years
Science in the Early Years, Teaching methodology, PIBIDAbstract
This paper discusses the contributions of children's literature to the process of Scientific Literacy in the Early Years specifically, from literary Works that deal with themes linked to the area of Natural Sciences, focusing on the reflection on three workshops held by academics of the Pedagogy course in a municipal public school. The activities were developed in the institutional Program of fellowships for Initiation to Teaching - PIBID, Literacy Subproject: Center for Science and Mathematics in the early Years, at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). Therefore, based on an experience report, the proposed reflections dialogue, especially with the guidelines of the National Common Curricular Base and with different studies in the field of scientific literacy. Based on the analysis of the role of literary works, we seek to demonstrate their contributions to the construction of a pedagogical plan capable of articulating themes related to Science, technology, health and the environment, exploring playfulness and creativity in the school context, interrelating scientific concepts with the reality in which the students are inserted.