Observation internship in chemistry classes during emergency remote teaching in Cuiabá/MT
Chemistry teaching, Emergency remote teaching, Supervised InternshipAbstract
This article aims to report the experience of a chemistry undergraduate student based on the
observation of classes in a high school class during a period of ten weeks. The observed
moments occurred exclusively during the emergency remote teaching resulting from the
school adaptation to the pandemic of COVID-19. Under the guidance of the teacher of
Supervised Internship IV of the Chemistry course, several aspects were analyzed concerning
the attitude of the regular teacher, the students, the intern and the progress of the chemistry
discipline in a public school in the city of Cuiabá/MT. Thus, it was noted that a large part of
the class did not have access to digital resources and few completed and returned the handouts
prepared by the regular teacher. Moreover, the low participation in synchronous moments was
due to the socioeconomic difficulties experienced by students and their families, therefore,
teaching and learning do not depend exclusively on the will of the actors involved, but also on
the reality experienced by the school community.