Reflections on Supervised Curricular Internship of Unila’s Graduation Course on Natural Sciences
Basic Education;, Teaching of Science;, Initial Teacher Education.Abstract
The curricular supervised internship is an essential and deliberative moment on the graduation courses, one in which the teacher in initial formation develops their capabilities for analysis, reflection and investigation in spaces and real situations on the exercise of his profession. This moment makes it possible to construct a critical vision about the dynamic of the relations at the institutional field, preparing the future educator for the confrontation of the problems that emerge from the concrete contexts of teaching. Thus, in this report we sought to understand some of the dimensions involved in the process of supervised curricular internship at the Graduation Course in Natural Sciences of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (organization, performance of the advisor teachers and supervisors of the internship, besides obstacles, skills and feelings developed by the students). For that, we did an interpretative analysis of the manifested perspectives by 09 undergraduate interns in response to a questionnaire. The reflections obtained from the analysis support the understanding that the internship is a moment of construction of the professional identity and of reflexive practice, in which the teacher visualizes real problems of his profession and becomes aware of new professional skills, besides learning mechanisms for dealing with feelings such as fear and anxiety, associated to the start of the professional career.