Teacher training for the use of methodologies that facilitate engagement in an affective way in Early Childhood Education: a study based on the teaching of Natural Sciences


  • Tharcila de Abreu Almeida
  • Luciane Medeiros de Souza Conrado
  • Antônio Carlos de Abreu Mól
  • Ana Paula Legey de Siqueira




Natural Sciences; Pre school; Digital Technology; Affectivity; Teacher Training.


This article aims to emphasize the development of methodologies that promote engagement in an affective way in Early Childhood Education. It is a great challenge for the teacher today that the learning of children who attend Kindergarten takes place in an affective and engaging way, requiring the existence of new didactic means and the search for innovative methodological knowledge for this generation that grows up immersed in the digital world. To this end, a case study with a qualitative approach was carried out with teachers from Niterói, a municipality in the state of Rio de Janeiro, based on the teaching of Natural Sciences. The data revealed that the teaching of Natural Sciences is little explored in Early Childhood Education and the lack of academic training makes it difficult for these professionals to practice in this environment. It is necessary to demystify the use of new methodologies in teaching practice and promote continuing education that enables teachers to keep up with changes in society.



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How to Cite

ALMEIDA, Tharcila de Abreu; CONRADO, Luciane Medeiros de Souza; MÓL, Antônio Carlos de Abreu; SIQUEIRA, Ana Paula Legey de. Teacher training for the use of methodologies that facilitate engagement in an affective way in Early Childhood Education: a study based on the teaching of Natural Sciences. Revista Insignare Scientia - RIS, Brasil, v. 6, n. 2, p. 69–89, 2023. DOI: 10.36661/2595-4520.2023v6n2.13558. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uffs.edu.br/index.php/RIS/article/view/13558. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.

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