A utilização de atividades gamificadas e da Ciência Forense como metodologias ativas para o Ensino de Química durante o Ensino Remoto
Ensino de Química, Química Forense, Gamificação.Abstract
In the pandemic scenario, educational institutions needed to transpose classroom teaching to remote teaching, which provoked new thoughts and proposals to support the teaching and learning of Chemistry. Therefore, in order to make this teaching a little less tiring, this work shows the development and application of digital games within a didactic sequence using motivating teaching tools for learning and discussing Chemistry concepts contextualized to Forensic Chemistry. The methodological proposal involved 60 students from the 2nd grade of high school at Colégio Universitário Geraldo Reis (Coluni-UFF) and the pedagogical contribution was analyzed through questionnaires. These games designed in the Remote Education mold aimed to review, fix, and consolidate the knowledge acquired during the 1st Quarter of 2021. The results showed the importance and need to adopt different active methodologies for a more significant learning in Science, such as the development of games, as they proved to be quite effective in building a more comprehensive, solid, and meaningful chemical knowledge, in addition to having stimulated the student's logical reasoning, active participation in the proposed activities, and interest in learning more about chemistry.
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