Environmental history of the captaincy of Goiás

Mining and agroecological transformation of the land (1726-1822)


  • Fabíula Sevilha Universidade Estadual de Goiás – UEG




mining, agroecology, Captaincy of Goiás


founded by hinterland experts from São Paulo looking for mineral riches, the historical formation process of Captaincy of Goiás is closely linked to mining. The devastating techniques of exploitation of nature in Goiás and the lack of capital for excavation at great depths in mines led to a process interpreted by many historians as economic stagnation and "ruralization" of society, whose effects crossed the nineteenth century. For us, it’s a paradigmatic process of agroecological transformation of the land, which needs to be better investigated. In this sense, this work aims to know the interactions between society and nature in the Captaincy of Goiás, analyzing the main implications of the use and exploitation of its natural resources.

Keywords: mining; agroecology; Captaincy of Goiás;


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Author Biography

  • Fabíula Sevilha, Universidade Estadual de Goiás – UEG

    Doutora em História pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2017), Mestra (2013) e Licenciada (2008) em História pela Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP/Assis. Docente da Universidade Estadual de Goiás – UEG.



How to Cite

SEVILHA, Fabíula. Environmental history of the captaincy of Goiás: Mining and agroecological transformation of the land (1726-1822). Fronteiras: Revista Catarinense de História, Brasil, n. 30, p. 100–115, 2018. DOI: 10.36661/2238-9717.2017n30.8194. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uffs.edu.br/index.php/FRCH/article/view/8194. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.