The regeneration, for the order, against anarchy:

the political lexicon of the creation of the Cisplatine province (1821-1823)


  • Murilo Dias Winter Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro -UFRJ



Press, political language, Cisplatine province


This article studies the political language in the speeches in favor of the creation of the Cisplatine province. After the Porto Revolution, the freedom of press was enacted in all of Portugal's domains. The first circulating newspapers in the Cisplatine province (recently incorporated in the domains of the Portuguese Empire) made a wide defense of the Portuguese cause and the creation of the province itself, which had been the result of a military invasion begun in 1816. The main concepts mobilized in this argument were associated to the Porto Revolution. The objective was to remove the popular movements of José Gervásio Artigas, which were classified as anarchists and highlight the Portuguese regeneration and order, which could also be emulated in the region, this associating the liberal transformations in Portugal with the creation of the Cisplatine province and the new political conjuncture in Rio de la Plata.

Key-words: Press, political language, Cisplatine province.


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Author Biography

  • Murilo Dias Winter, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro -UFRJ

    Mestre em História pela Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF). Doutorando em História Social na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PPGHIS/UFRJ).



How to Cite

WINTER, Murilo Dias. The regeneration, for the order, against anarchy:: the political lexicon of the creation of the Cisplatine province (1821-1823). Fronteiras: Revista Catarinense de História, Brasil, n. 30, p. 77–99, 2018. DOI: 10.36661/2238-9717.2017n30.8193. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.