Por que as infâncias?

Uma homenagem à Esmeralda Blanco Moura e os(as) “Caçadores(as)” de Histórias





Childhood, Youths, Historiography


This essay aims to reflect on the trajectory of the Grupo de Trabalho História das Infâncias e Juventudes, which belongs to the Associação Nacional de História – ANPUH Brasil, based on the posthumous homage of one of its founders, historian Esmeralda Blanco Moura, who died in 2020. Based on the argument that the GT has been contributing to the construction of the historiographical field of Childhood and Youth, this essay intends to put in evidence the mobilizations and articulations of History professionals around the socialization of scientific production in national History symposiums promoted by the ANPUH Brasil. Through electronic Annals, minutes and reports, we sought to analyze the process of implementation and maintenance of the GT and its connections with the work of the aforementioned historian. Eduardo Galeano’s work, O Caçador de Histórias, will be the guiding/inspiring thread in the organization of the diferent parts that make up this essay. This tribute-essay does not intend to exhaust or contemplate all aspects of the trajectory of the historian Esmeralda Moura, nor the Grupo de Trabalho História das Infâncias e Juventudes, but intends to shed light on the debate about the production of a research field and political, ethical, theoretical and methodological challenges to produce the history of children and their diferent childhoods, young people and their different youths.


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How to Cite

MIRANDA, Humberto Silva. Por que as infâncias? Uma homenagem à Esmeralda Blanco Moura e os(as) “Caçadores(as)” de Histórias. Fronteiras: Revista Catarinense de História, Brasil, n. 38, p. 18–34, 2021. DOI: 10.29327/253484.1.38-3. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uffs.edu.br/index.php/FRCH/article/view/12646. Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.