The United States and England as seen by Soviet cinema of late Stalinism

the Crimean War and the seas


  • Gelise Cristine Ponce Martins
  • Moisés Wagner Franciscon UFPR



Late Stalinism, Movie theatre, Crimea, Naval power


During late Stalinism, 1945-53, marked by the post-war and the beginning of the Cold War, Soviet period films focused on themes and episodes related to the tsarist navy and the Crimean War. In guiding the country in the arms race, in the struggle for the division of the disintegrating colonial empires, in the projection of maritime power and in the confrontation with ex-allies for these same objectives, the regime needed to disseminate its version of history and its messages of national unity. and combating the external enemy, reproducing the narrative of the traumatic World War II. Ferro's cinematographic socio-history allows us to perceive this intertwining of narratives and objectives in his period films.


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How to Cite

CRISTINE PONCE MARTINS, Gelise; FRANCISCON, Moisés Wagner. The United States and England as seen by Soviet cinema of late Stalinism: the Crimean War and the seas. Fronteiras: Revista Catarinense de História, Brasil, n. 37, p. 179–203, 2021. DOI: 10.36661/2238-9717.2021n37.12343. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.