Places of memory and cultural re-signification in the Indigenous Land of Toldo Pinhal
Populações indígenas, ÍndiosAbstract
The present paper has as its objective to show some fundamental cultural aspects to achievement of demarcation of Indigenous Land Toldo Pinhal, located on the city of Seara, in the west of Santa Catarina, Brasil. It reflects here the cultural identities elements that were added by the referred indigenous community in the struggle for the affirmation of the basic rights, as the access to the land and the maintenance of critical cultural traits of “being Kaingang”. In this way, are introduced memory places in the landscape together with other cultural aspects, with notability to the cultural weeks activities. Lastly, it reassures that the territorial mobility is part of the culture of this people, opposing the idea that non-indigenous people associate with “nomadism” with “ lack of feelings with the land”.
Key Words: indigenous history, Kaingang, indigenous land, places of memory .