About the Journal
CIDADES is a publication aimed at disseminating research and reflections that involve the understanding of urban problems from a preferentially geographical perspective. Founded in 2002 under the responsibility of the Grupo de Estudos Urbanos (GEU), it is now based at the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS) under the responsibility of a new Editorial Team who, in 2020, took over the journal under the commitment to plurality in the production of knowledge in the field of urban studies. The journal aims to contribute to expanding our ability to read and interpret the urbanization process and cities in a period in which the complexity of the relationships that guide processes and dynamics has been deepening and the pace of transformations has accelerated. CIDADES is linked to the research line Production of urban-regional space of the Postgraduate Programme in Geography at UFFS.
Criteria adopted for selection/evaluation of submitted articles (peer review)
Each text sent to CIDADES will be evaluated by two referees. In this process, the plagiarism will be checked by using specialised software. In case of disagreement in the evaluation, a third reviewer will be consulted. The reviewers of the articles will be chosen among the members of the Scientific Committee or among ad hoc consultants with expertise in the themes of the texts. These ad hoc consultants will form a bank of evaluators and will be formed by appointment of the members of the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee.
Open access and charge-free policy
CIDADES began its publications in print. By adopting the OJS management system, it offered immediate free access to abstracts of its published works, editorials, presentations and credits. Over time, CIDADES became completely online, giving free access to all its content. Today, in addition to being a journal with fully open and free access to readers, CIDADES does not charge authors any submission or review fees.
CIDADES will classify the submitted texts in the Texts section. Texts containing details of completed studies or research, as well as theoretical-methodological debates, are preferred. At the discretion of the Editorial Committee, relevant articles and classic works of national and international dissemination may be published, respecting the rules relating to copyright, as well as bibliographic reviews.
Publication frequency
CIDADES aims to publish two issues per year, in continuous format, reserving the right to prioritise the quality of the texts over of their quantity.
CIDADES aims to be a means of scientific dissemination in Portuguese, but open to the linguistic diversity of the academic community. Thus, texts in Spanish, English and French are also published without restrictions. Whenever possible, a translation into Portuguese will also be published when the original text is written in another of the other languages.
Filing statement
CIDADES uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archival system among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration.
Anti-plagiarism policy
In order to combat plagiarism practices, CIDADES uses the Turnitin Similarity tool, under a license acquired by UFFS, which allows the detection of plagiarism in a wide range of information on the Internet. All texts submitted to the journal therefore go through a similarity detector as the first stage of the evaluation process.