Planning an Inquiry-Based Teaching Sequence for a Chemistry Teacher Training Course: A proposal for contextualized teaching in the initial training of citizen-teachers
Inquiry-Based Teaching Sequence, Initial Training for Chemistry Teachers, Contextualized TeachingAbstract
This study presents and discusses a teaching proposal to be developed in a Chemistry Teacher Training Course. The planning of this didactic proposal was based on a qualitative study and aimed to integrate chemical knowledge into the context through the use of theoretical and methodological aspects of Inquiry-Based Teaching proposed by Carvalho. The planned sequence explores a fictional case based on real facts and addresses issues of fish mortality and health concerns in a local community in the countryside of Bahia. The proposal can provides students in a Chemistry Teacher Training Course with the opportunity to formulate, test, and refine hypotheses and solutions through the use and development of chemical knowledge, connecting them to social, political, economic, ethical, and environmental aspects. We believe that the proposed investigative sequence can be used in other teacher training courses in different regions of Brazil, as long as the theme is relevant and pertinent to the reality of the involved students. Forthis purpose, it is crucial to recognize that adaptations and adjustments must be made in order to achieve the intended objectives. Furthermore, it can be adapted for remote teaching, according to the needs and specificities of teacher education, because it is composed of texts and secondary data.