A Case Study involving a Planet Earth’s thematized project in the early years of Elementary School
Teaching actions, Educational Project, Planet Earth, Science TeachingAbstract
This paper aimed to analyze the teaching actions managed by an educational project developed simultaneously with the planning of the Science discipline in a room of the 5th year of Elementary School. Tardif (2002) and Fiorentini (2005) emphasize the necessary appreciation of the teaching repertoire and Gauthier (1998) points out the management of the subject and the management of the class as a foundation for the teaching actions. The methodological reference was the case study, made possible through the semi-structured interview technique and the cognitive mapping. Four categories emerged from teaching actions: classroom management, the mobilization of didactic resources, teacher education in science and the development of the project. We observed that these factors were essential to situate the teaching actions in an educational perspective that favored Science teaching in the initial years of Elementary School.