Environmental Education and the work with values: the importance of a formation based on dialogue
Environmental Education, values, dialogue, in-service teacher trainingAbstract
Understanding Environmental Education (EE) as one of the possibilities to face the rationality that led our society to the current socio-environmental crisis, we seek a reflection on how to promote the construction of new values, from an educational point of view, since we take into account the interests of EE aimed at revising our value system. In this perspective, we consider dialogue as the central axis of the process that is linked to EE practices and values in the school contexto. Appears the proposal of this research, which aims to understand the meanings constructed regarding the dimension of dialogue present in the experience of teachers in a project of in-service training. From the analysis of these meanings, we see the potential of dialogue, as an education tool, for the collective construction of knowledge, values, interdisciplinarity and the possibility of reconizing different contexts, knowledge, and ideas at the time of formation.