The formation of Environmental Educators from the systemic ecological perspective
Ecological theory, Systemic Environmental Education, Environmental Educators FormationAbstract
This article’s proposal is based on the possibility of theoretical interlocution between Systemic Environmental Education and the Bioecological Theory of Human Development - TBDH - by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917- 2005), as we consider current socio-environmental issues and the environmental educators formation. We rely on Sauvé (2005), Carvalho (2006), Loureiro (2004) and Boff (1999), to think about Systemic Environmental Education. Capra (2005; 2006; 2019), Bertalanffy (1975) and Santos (2008), help us to reflect on a Science emerging conception. Finally, we dialogue with Guimarães (2004), when defends the formative axes in the environmental educators formation, starting from the complexity of the processes understanding; this helps us to interrelate us with the proposition of TBDH from the process category as one of the properties of the synergistic system defended by this ecological theory.