Narrativas sobre a Diáspora Africana
um site educativo para a construção do conhecimento histórico a partir da trajetória de africanos em sala de aula
This paper aims to present a didactic proposal resulting from the research entitled “Narratives on the African Diaspora in History Teaching: trajectories of Africans in Desterro/SC in the 19th century”. The objective of it was to discuss the construction of historical knowledge through the production of narratives about populations of African origin in Desterro/SC in the 19th century, enabling students to highlight and know the agency of these subjects throughout the historical processes. Thus, through the analysis of historical documents of the period, coupled with a broad current bibliographical discussion on the subject, an educational website was produced, the “Narratives on the African Diaspora” ( This article presents the development of the site and its working possibilities in the classroom.