The Metacognitive process in the use of educational technology post-covid-19 pandemic




technologies, educational technologies, metacognition


Faced with the challenges presented by learning Calculus in Higher Education, this article investigates and analyzes the metacognitive processes involved in the choice of learning strategies and use of educational technologies by ten students of Calculus I, from the Control and Automation Engineering course of a Federal Institute of Paraná. To this end, we present the concepts of educational technologies and metacognition, necessary for the analysis of data, which were collected through an online questionnaire/form, and analyzed using Discursive Textual Analysis, seeking perceptions about the learning process in Calculus From these students, the categories emerged from this analysis: educational technologies, solving exercises, studying, not learning, reviewing, teacher's explanation and notes. With this investigation it was possible to highlight the presence of metacognitive processes in the perception and choice of learning strategy, especially when complementing the teacher's explanations carried out in the classroom, with explanations in digital environments external to the educational institution, a strategy widely used in period of the pandemic, which were maintained by students, which we deduce to be the behavior of a metacognitive learner encouraged by new models of information acquisition.


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How to Cite

SFEIR, Christopher Ramos; CORRÊA, Nancy Nazareth Gatzke; CORRÊA, Hugo Emmanuel da Rosa. The Metacognitive process in the use of educational technology post-covid-19 pandemic. Revista Insignare Scientia - RIS, Brasil, v. 7, n. 3, p. 199 a 218, 2024. DOI: 10.36661/2595-4520.2024v7n3.14615. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.