Study of meteorological elements in Science Teaching: link between Pedagogical Residency and mandatory supervised internship
Meteorological instruments, practical experimental activity, Pedagogical Residency ProgramAbstract
This work describes the execution of a teaching proposal on the theme “Climate and Weather”, elaborated with the perspective of relating theory and practice of the concepts involved in the manufacture of meteorological instruments (anemometer and rain gauge). In the proposed activities, the methodology of the Three Pedagogical Moments constituted the organization of the tasks, promoting the active participation of the students. The application took place in an eighth grade class of elementary school, through the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) - Science nucleus linked to the Natural Sciences Degree course at the Federal University of Pampa Campus Dom Pedrito. Initial teacher training in Natural Sciences provides for teaching in the final years of Elementary and Secondary Education, from an interdisciplinary perspective linked to Basic Education, with the promotion of research and reflection between theory and practice in different areas of scientific knowledge. It highlights possibilities and limits of academics in their field. And in this set, there is scientific knowledge in the areas of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, associated with the pedagogical work of the future teacher. The PRP aims to contribute to the improvement of the initial training of Basic Education teachers in undergraduate courses, thereby promoting possibilities for collaboration between the University, schools and undergraduate students. The execution of this proposal promoted the development of teaching aligned with the BNCC through a set of activities to understand concepts related to weather and climate.