Use of Active Methodologies in Teaching the Zoology Content

  • Francisca Aparecida de Sousa Alves Instituto Federal do Piauí - IFPI
  • Lindonilda Dias dos Santos Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Piauí, campus Floriano
  • Maurício dos Santos Araújo Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV
  • Aracelli de Sousa Leite Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Piauí – IFPI/ Departamento de Biologia
Keywords: insects, alternative methodologies, didactic resources


Active methodologies are strategies that aim to provide meaningful learning to students. However, there is a certain complexity in the Zoology content in High School, and still lack variety of didactic resources for this purpose. This research has the objective of reporting the learning performance of high school students in the subject of Biology, in the Zoology content, mediated by the use of a didactic teaching material. The study was developed in a public school of the state network in the city of Floriano, Piauí. The research was of field following a quali-quantitative approach. The didactic material consisted in the description of the butterfly and moth metamorphosis stages. The data collection was performed by a questionnaire (pre and post-test), the data analysis was by the normalized learning gain test. The students presented a fragmented previous knowledge about the content and after the application of the didactic model it was possible to observe a better assimilation of the content. The data of normalized learning gains were high with values ranging from 0.89 to 1.00. Finally, it suggests that the methodology was efficient in the students' learning, and can be used as a complementary tool in the teaching of this content.


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Author Biographies

Francisca Aparecida de Sousa Alves, Instituto Federal do Piauí - IFPI

Graduanda em Ciências Biológicas pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Piauí, campus Floriano.

Lindonilda Dias dos Santos, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Piauí, campus Floriano

Graduanda em Ciências Biológicas pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Piauí, campus Floriano

Aracelli de Sousa Leite, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Piauí – IFPI/ Departamento de Biologia

Possui graduação em Licenciatura Plena em Biologia pelo Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Piauí (2005), mestrado em Genética e Toxicologia Aplicada pela Universidade Luterana do Brasil (2009) e doutorado em Biotecnologia pela Rede de Biotecnologia do Nordeste (2015). Atualmente é professora do Instituto Federal do Piauí. Tem experiência nas áreas de Ensino de Ciências e Biologia, em Genética toxicológica com ênfase na toxicidade, citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade, mutagenicidade e ação antioxidante in vivo.

How to Cite
ALVES, F.; SANTOS, L.; ARAÚJO, M.; LEITE, A. Use of Active Methodologies in Teaching the Zoology Content. Revista Insignare Scientia - RIS, v. 5, n. 4, p. 137-153, 21 dez. 2022.