Universitiy Extension, Community Health, Science TeachingAbstract
Abstract: Dialoguing with society on issues in immunology represents a unique opportunity to raise awareness about ways of intervening in the health situation since this science is a field of essential importance for public health. This work aimed to report educational actions developed by the extension project titled: “Imunologia em ação: utilizando a educação para promover saúde nas escolas” (Immunology in action: using education to promote health in schools). The activities were carried out from May to December of 2017, in eight elementary schools in the urban and rural areas of Cajazeiras city – PB. These activities instigated construction of knowledge related to immunology, discussing primarily about: immune system, its composition, functions and importance to human organism; vaccination actions and their importance for preventing diseases, as well as the immune system's performance in active and passive immunizations; breastfeeding and the benefits it provides to both mother and child’s health and well-being; blood typing and its relation to immunology, with emphasis on requirements and procedures for blood donation. The actions of the project were developed by conducting lectures, rounds of conversation, use of board game, theatricalization and exposure of slides in microscopes, seeking to make a theoretical-practical association. The development of this extension project allowed to reach empowerment of school communities in urban and rural areas, in order to stimulate health of this public, noting the importance of carrying out health education actions to promote the health of the school communities.
Keywords: University Extension, Community Health, Science Teaching
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