


Mathematics Education, Problem solving, eaching and Learning Mathematics


This Interview was carried out with professor Lourdes De La Rosa Onuchic via Meet Webex at UFFS, on 05/11/2023. In this dialogue with Professor Nilce, her former student, in the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics Education at UNESP in Rio Claro SP, there was a healthy exchange of historical information about her life and work in Education and Mathematics Education, aspects that present themselves as experiences from a life dedicated mainly to Education and the training of teachers who teach mathematics. In this interview, Professor Lourdes tells us about her life trajectory, from choosing Mathematics to her dedication to teaching, research and extension work that she continues to do today, at the age of 92, with GTERP – Problem Solving Work and Study Group - in Mathematics Education at UNESP.


Author Biographies

  • Lourdes de la Rosa Onuchic, São Paulo State University

    Bachelor's and Degree in Mathematics from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of USP/SP. Master in Mathematics from the São Carlos School of Engineering-USP. PhD in Mathematics from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of São Carlos-USP. She is currently a volunteer Professor at the Universidade Estadual Paulista- UNESP-Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro, SP Brazil.

  • Nilce Fátima Scheffer, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

    Pós-Doutora em Educação Matemática Universidade do Estado de Nova Jersey - EUA; Doutora em Educação Matemática– UNESP Rio Claro SP; Professora da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul-UFFS: Programas PPGE, e PPGPE, Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa: TIC, Matemática e Educação Matemática-GPTMEM UFFS.



How to Cite

ONUCHIC, Lourdes de la Rosa; SCHEFFER, Nilce Fátima. INTERVIEW: LOURDES DE LA ROSA ONUCHIC. Educação Matemática Sem Fronteiras: Pesquisas em Educação Matemática, Brasil, v. 5, n. 1, p. 4–12, 2023. DOI: 10.36661/2596-318X.2023v5n1.13963. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.