Project-based learning in the “Farmacia Viva” Garden of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico de Xalapa, Mexico

Keywords: Higher education, educational gardens, Technological Innovations


This article presents the development of the Project-Based Learning didactic strategy to motivate the acquisition and application of knowledge by higher-level students of the Higher Technological Institute of Xalapa (ITSX), with the support of the Faculty of Biology of the Universidad Veracruzana and INECOL, A.C. This proposal aimed to develop knowledge and scientific work skills in ITSX higher level students through the production of medicinal plant products. The work was structured under the PBL approach during August 2021 to July 2022. The research was carried out in three stages: documentation, investigation, plant propagation, experimentation and presentation of results. Through this work, students developed professional residencies in Biochemical Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering. Through the evaluation of their final residency reports, as well as an anecdotal inquiry, it was evident that the students developed scientific skills and applied theoretical knowledge for the development of the experimental part, they strengthened critical analysis by relating theory to practice, in addition to develop values such as responsibility, commitment and respect among their colleagues.


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How to Cite
ELIZONDO, Y.; MOTA, R.; APOLINAR, M.; PÉREZ, H. Project-based learning in the “Farmacia Viva” Garden of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico de Xalapa, Mexico. Revista Insignare Scientia - RIS, v. 7, n. 1, p. 160-176, 5 jun. 2024.