Youth, Sexuality, TeachingAbstract
Abstract: The “Sexual and Reproductive Education” project is an academic community service initiative created by medical students aiming to address, in an interactive and innovative way, topics of great importance for adolescents but generally neglected or poorly worked in Brazilian schools, such as HIV/AIDS, abortion, gender and sexual orientation. Workshops and a final playful competition were held at a public high school. To carry them out, volunteer medical students were trained by colleagues, being introduced to the theoretical base and prepared for a horizontal and participatory approach, in the sense of a peer education strategy. A qualitative analysis was performed to evaluate the intervention’s impact, with field diaries, and a quantitative one, with the application of questionnaires. These evaluation tools showed significant knowledge gain. We also carried out an analysis of the impact of the project on the undergraduate medical students involved in the initiative, which revealed an increase in the theoretical knowledge, gain in confidence and strengthening of the ability to argue against prejudiced attitudes. The study results stress the interest of the subject and strategy as an academic community service initiative but also highlight aspects that need attention and improvement
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